Dr. Strange

Main on End

At it’s core, the assignment was to brand the United Nationes within the Marvel Universe. After we established the look and feel, we had to make sure the visuals both matched the narrative of the scene and supplied any additional information the directors were looking to convey. After the animations were complete, we had to composite them into the plates that were supplied by Marvel. Enjoy

Lead Creative:Erin Sarofsky

Executive Producer:Steven Anderson

Producer:Sam Clark

CG Supervisor:John Filipkowski

Visual Effects Supervisor:Matthew Crnich

Smoke Artist/CG Artist:Cory Davis

Senior Designer:Duarte Elvas

CG Artists:Andrez Aguayo, Brent Austin, Chris Beers, Patrick Coleman, Jon Jamison, Alex Kline, Zach Landua, Jeff McBride, Nathan Matsuda, Anthony Morrelle, Dan Tiffany

Smoke Assistant:Erik Uy

Designers:Josh Smiertka, Lizzi Stuart, Domico Watson, Tnaya Witmer

Marvel Studios Executive Producers:Kevin Feige, Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso

Marvel Studios Film Director:Scott Derrickson

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