God of War

“The Dead Stone Mason”

When Playstation and the fine folks of the God of War franchise approached us to develop a video telling the story of Thamur, The Dead Stone Mason in promotion of the new GoW game,  I think I audibly squealed with glee.

They provided us a script and a still image of how the triptych appears in the game, and we were off to the races. In five weeks time, we storyboarded, designed, animated, lit, rendered and comped this two-minute piece!

My Role: Modeling, Look Dev, Lighting, Compositing.
Agency: DigitasLBi
Executive Producer: Rob Tripas
VP/Group Creative Director: Brad Meyers
Associate Creative Director: Robert Sinclair
Senior Account Executive: Davina Hamilton
VFX Production
VFX Production: Mill+
Executive Producers: Andrew Sommerville & Tracey Khan
VFX Creative
VFX Creative: Mill+
Creative Director: Jeff Boddy
Director: Matt Darnall
Design & Illustration: Adrian Navarro, Anzie Lee & Matt Darnall
Animation: Josh Van Praag, Zach Landua, Krzysztof Pianko, Andrez Aguayo, Matt Darnall & Michael Kislovsky
3D Artists: Riyad Hasan, Kathryn Dougan & Andrez Aguayo
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